How to create a GPT for our GPT store

Here are the steps to create a GPT:

gpt store
  1. Identify the purpose: Identify the purpose of your GPT. What problem does it solve? What value does it provide to your target audience?
  2. Customize: Tailor your GPT to specific purposes, such as helping with daily life, specific tasks, work, or home. Anyone can create their own GPT without coding knowledge and share it with others.
  3. Simplify: Simplify and streamline complex procedures with your GPT, making it an essential asset in today's rapidly evolving world.
  4. Innovate: Generate imaginative and innovative content, connect APIs and make them accessible.

Here are the steps to create a GPT:

  1. Head to and select “Create a GPT”.
  2. Message the GPT Builder to help you build a new GPT. You can say something like, “Make a creative who helps generate visuals for new products” or “Make a software engineer who helps format my code.”
  3. Name and set the description of your GPT in the Configure tab. Here, you will also be able to select the actions you would like your GPT to take, like browsing the web or creating images.
  4. Bonus: connect your GPT to an API to supercharge it with additional revent information.
  5. Publish your GPT when you're ready to share it with others.
  6. Bonus: share it to some gpt store or other collection/ forums etc. to help people discover it easily.